Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fungus it's amoung us...that's why we love....

Yepper...when it comes to fostering kittens ya gotta know that fungus is a potential. RINGWORM is the dreaded R word in the fostering world and GEEEsh we have not had a litter of kittens in ages and sure enough on spay day our DR R saw a spot on mama mazey and said she thought it could be the Big R but it had fuzzed over quickly. Well then Jaggar came down with it and now lennon. So.....as we speak.....my german shepherd Duke and my son have a spot of it. What a pain. So, What do you do? SCREAM, CRY HAVE TANTRUMS AND CLEAN YOUR BUNS OFF!
I also find myself creating "moldies but gooodies" little ditties we sing around the house. Here are some of our favorites you may find yourself singing them too:
Fungus....it's amoungus....that's why we love sulfur dip. (to the tune of Neastly cruntch)
Ahhhh and then a love song.......
2 spores....2 spores that meet as one....our fungus has just begun.....My fungal love......( to the tune of My Endless love)
Oh and who can resist
I think I wanna know ya oooooooo fungal love.....ohdi ohdi oh...(Jungle love)
So for anyone else out there experiencing this wonderful fungal experience of Fungal love.....please know that you are not alone and we share the pain and itch together! The joys of the dip....love the smell, the smells of bleach and the constent cleaning. Ahhh what a joy. But...this too shall pass! RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Updates! Long overdue!

Ok, so we have updates for ya!
Here is the first. I have to apologize as life gets in the way sometimes and blogging falls short at times. Windsor's former owners had his day in court and we are pleased with the outcome. YEAH BOY! Thank you again to everyone who helped save the life of this amazing boy. He is forever grateful and we adore him. There are many more Windsor's out there and we need others to be brave and step up and do the right thing so don't be afraid to make the call if something feels wrong. Thank you!