Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It has been too long and I am sorry. Between vacation, fungus and life....welll... what can one say.
We went away for a week on vacation and still have one foster kitten. Miss Jag. What a total love. :) This past weekend Jag had a high fever and was not walking well. She suddenly was very lethargic and we were VERY concerned. I am pleased to say that after 2 vet trips and lots of tlc with round the clock dropper feeding fluids....the girl is back to her usual active self. Jag is one of the most amazing kittens I have ever known. If she does not soon capture the heart of someone she will surely be tempting our family. I have had to bathe this girl many times due to the ringworm. I have also had to hold her to dropper feed her fluids, take her temp and many other things. In the end, this girl still manages to look up into my eyes and reach her paw up to touch my face. She, like her Mother Mazey has a very special way of communicating with you deep to your soul. She gazes deep and touches your face gently and it is a beatiful and most loving exchange. This group of kittens truly has been an aMAZing group. Jag is a true gift and will bring a family so much joy with her special ability to offer a sense of peace and so so much love..